Meet The
Overflow Team
Leadership Team
The Overflow Food Ministry Leaders
Elders Jeff and Jennifer Lashorne
Elders Jeff and Jennifer Lashorne are the leaders of our weekly food outreach. Jeff keeps track of the families and helps them navigate through food line in a timely manor. Jennifer has a passion to pray with and for each family before they leave with their food. In addition to the food ministry both serve on The Overflow Board as Board Members.
Secretary & Board Member
Joanne Holmes
Joanne is a faithful member of The Overflow. She is our Board Secretary and serves on our Hospitality & Food Outreach Team. Joanne is well connected in the community as President of the Chum Bucket located at Sebastian River High School. Joanne grew up with Catholic roots but says she had found her home with us. She says that, “You're [The Overflow] not just my church home; you're my family.”
Board Members
Elders David & Leal Lloyd
Elders David and Leal Lloyd are faithful members even before The Overflow existed. David and Leal both serve as part of our Prayer Train. David has an End Time Bible Teaching Anointing and loves to teach the Word of God and see people receive Jesus in their heart. Leal has a passion to see all those in bondage freed by the Power of God. In addition to the Prayer Train both serve on The Overflow Board as Board Members.
Board Member
Minister Angelia Beauford
Minister Angelia Beauford loves serving at The Overflow. She has been saved for many years and loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart. Minister Angelia flows in the Gift of Administration. She currently oversees our Children's Ministry and Hospitality Team. Her passions include sharing the Word of God, cooking, and baking. She loves to encourage and serve others. Minster Angelia also serves on The Overflow Board as a Board Member.
Board Member
Minister Shelley
Minister Shelley serves on The Overflow BOD. Minister Shelley has been a part of Seeking God Ministries, Inc. since 2007 and co-authored the Fulfilling Your Destiny Mentorship Program. Minister Shelley has a heart for missions and has been a part of Mission Uganda for years as a dedicated member of Coastal Community Church. She brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion. We are happy to have her serve on our board.